AAJEEVIKA / SGSY Special Project / DDU-GKY

Implemented By: IndiaCan

Project Details

Started On : 01/06/2013 Estimated End On : 30/05/2015

Curriculum & Design

Trade Name
IT Skills Domain
Trade Domain
Soft Skills Domain
Sales  Skills Acquired at the end of the module Introduction to computers, MS Office suite, Internet and its uses, Introduction to emails, typing tutor, search engine operations etc. Sales situations and methods, Knowledge of Product/ service, Features and benefits, Product pitching and pricing, buying and selling cycle  Goal Orientation, Aspiration Mapping, Grooming, Behaviour skills, Communication skills, interview skills, Telephone etiquettes
  Duration (Days) 10 30 10
Retail Skills Acquired at the end of the module Introduction to computers, MS Office suite, Internet and its uses, Introduction to emails, typing tutor, search engine operations etc. Types of retail stores/ formats, visual merchandising, components of good customer service, Steps of selling process, display techniques,  Goal Orientation, Aspiration Mapping, Grooming, Behaviour skills, Communication skills, interview skills, Telephone etiquettes
  Duration (Days) 10 30 10
Accounting on Computer Skills Acquired at the end of the module   Book keeping- Meaning and Objectives, Golden Rules of Journal Entry or Rules of Debit or Credit of Accounts’, Principles of Accountancy and Computer Fundamentals, Trial Balance, Profit & Loss Goal Orientation, Aspiration Mapping, Grooming, Behaviour skills, Communication skills, interview skills, Telephone etiquettes
  Duration (Days)   40 10
Customer Service Associate Skills Acquired at the end of the module Introduction to computers, MS Office suite, Internet and its uses, Introduction to emails, typing tutor, search engine operations etc. Roles & responsibilities of a CSA, Characteristics, expenditure pattern, factors influencing the buying decision of customers, Store Operations, Fundamentals of marketing and selling, understanding customer expectations and customer handling Goal Orientation, Aspiration Mapping, Grooming, Behaviour skills, Communication skills, interview skills, Telephone etiquettes
  Duration (Days) 10 30 10
Office Assistant Skills Acquired at the end of the module Introduction to computers, MS Office suite, Internet and its uses, Introduction to emails, typing tutor, search engine operations etc. Preparation of Invoice, reciepts and cheques bsic accounting terms, book keeping and accounting, MS word & excel, Making Presentations, email writing skills Goal Orientation, Aspiration Mapping, Grooming, Behaviour skills, Communication skills, interview skills, Telephone etiquettes
  Duration (Days) 10 30 10
IT Workfirst Skills Acquired at the end of the module   Getting started with MS Office, MS word and Excel, Managing information with Outlook, Protecting and securing Office documents Goal Orientation, Aspiration Mapping, Grooming, Behaviour skills, Communication skills, interview skills, Telephone etiquettes
  Duration (Days)   40 10
Hospitality Skills Acquired at the end of the module Introduction to computers, MS Office suite, Internet and its uses, Introduction to emails, typing tutor, search engine operations etc. Introduction to Hotel Industry ,Classification of Hotels,Verbal Communication, Essentials of Good communication, Qualities of hotel staff, Basics of housekeeping, Front Office work, Food & Beverages, Safety Regulations Goal Orientation, Aspiration Mapping, Grooming, Behaviour skills, Communication skills, interview skills, Telephone etiquettes
  Duration (Days) 12 50 12
Electrician Skills Acquired at the end of the module Introduction to computers, MS Office suite, Internet and its uses, Introduction to emails, typing tutor, search engine operations etc. Roles and responsibilities of electrician assistant, Basics of electricity, Tools and equipments used by the electricians, Safety at work, Basic Electrical repair procedures, Repair and Rectify faults in following appliances: Ceiling fans, table fans, mixer grinder, cooler, irons, electical kettle,  geyser and assorted household appliances Goal Orientation, Aspiration Mapping, Grooming, Behaviour skills, Communication skills, interview skills, Telephone etiquettes
  Duration (Days) 5 35 10
2-Wheler Repair and Maintenance Skills Acquired at the end of the module Introduction to computers, MS Office suite, Internet and its uses, Introduction to emails, typing tutor, search engine operations etc. Introduction to automobile design, Basics of engine, Service and Maintenance, Identification of tools, Dismantle, clean, inspect, check, repair, replace and assemble carborator/ clutch, gear box, meter, battery, engine etc., Safety measures Goal Orientation, Aspiration Mapping, Grooming, Behaviour skills, Communication skills, interview skills, Telephone etiquettes
  Duration (Days) 10 30 10
Domestic BPO Skills Acquired at the end of the module Introduction to computers, MS Office suite, Internet and its uses, Introduction to emails, typing tutor, search engine operations etc. Understand the concept of outsourcing BPO, Basic introduction to Inbound, Outbound  and blended process, BPO terminology, Need for voice modulation and intonation, Extempo speaking, Time management  Goal Orientation, Aspiration Mapping, Grooming, Behaviour skills, Communication skills, interview skills, Telephone etiquettes
  Duration (Days) 10 30 10





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